Scuba Diver


The PADI Scuba Diver course will enable you to dive all over the world up to 12 meters of depth guided by a Divemaster.

This course is the ideal solution If you don’t have much time because it enables you to validate a big part of the Open Water Diver course in only two days.

Scuba Diver
Scuba Diver

Duration of the course

3 half-days



Medical certificate signed by a general practitioner showing that the individual is fit to practice scuba-diving. It must be accompanied by a specific questionnaire and a parental authorization for children under 14 years of age.


3 theory modules (It is possible to validate the theory at home before arriving at the center)

3 dives in a protected environment (start from the beach) within 1 half-day.

2 dives in natural environment (start from the boat) within 2 half-days

For whom ?

From 10 years old for the Junior Scuba Diver et from 15 years olf for the Scuba Diver



State-certified instructor or state-certified intern with a PADI instructor.



Equipment and certification

When ?


From April through October on reservation

But wait...there's more !

Video of your course starting from 35€

2024 Prices

Price Included
360 € Equipment and certification

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