Try dives in Hyères

From the age of 8

After filling out your try dive form at the desk you will be assisted by your instructor. He or she will equip you with a wetsuit, fins, a mask and a SCUBA tank. You will then be briefed on the gear, the security rules and the unfolding of your first dive.

You’re ready to go !
You will embark on one of our boats to reach one of Hyères’ dive sites situated around Porquerolles or the Giens Peninsula. Once the boat moored, we will prepare you for the immersion.
Let’s go !
Try dives in Hyères
Try dives in Hyères
Try dives in Hyères

For whom ?
Try dives are available from the age of 8.

Course duration
Half a day (Morning or afternoon)

Content of the activity
- 1 dive from a boat on a site around Porquerolle island or the Giens Peninsula
- 1 student with an instructor down to 6 meters deep

Gear, diploma


State certified instructor or state certified intern

Parental authorization for minors

But wait… There ‘s more !
A video of your try dive for 35€

From April through October

2024 Prices

Number of people Price
1 person 90 €
from 2 people 88 €
from 4 people 85 €
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